health risks

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Bare it all part three: To Wear or not to wear? That is the question.

Published January 23, 2016 by AntiqueMystique1

It’s a debatable topic and I was curious to blog about it. Bras come in all shapes, sizes, underwires, sports bras, shelf bras, etc. And they’re all fine and pretty. But is there a link between them and cancer? I stumbled upon a fascinating natural path website addressing this very issue.

Call ’em ‘Over-the-shoulder-boulder-holders’ if you’d like. But according to one Dr. Mercola, he states that wearing a bra can pose health problems for women. “Many physicians and researchers now agree that wearing a tight fitting bra can cut off lymph drainage, which can contribute to the development of breast cancer,[1] as your body will be less able to excrete all the toxins you’re exposed to on a daily basis,”

And there’s a lot of cons with the underwire.  Dr. Mercola recommends women remove the metal wires and buy plastic bra inserts and even provides a link where to buy them in his article. I found that to be helpful, but I don’t entirely agree plastic is the way to go. Normally, I don’t re-insert anything into the underwire bras and just leave them be. Did you know that underwires interfere with the earth’s electromagnetic field and that the metal itself attracts microwaves and radio waves? According to some that have studied this correlation believe this also can pose health risks to women who wear underwire bras.

And it now got me to thinking back to the time I had emergency gallbladder surgery a few years back. In his article, Dr. Mercola also cites from a source published in 1975 about the damage bra restrictions cause to the internal organs, especially the stomach, liver, and gallbladder.

And let’s face it ladies, underwires pinch. They hurt and are very annoying. If not that then bra straps constantly require adjusting. Underwires and bras in general can interfere with the Cooper’s ligaments and lymphatic system. The purpose of the lymphatic system is to cleanse the blood, and when restricted, makes it very hard for it to drain properly. The purpose of Cooper’s ligaments helps to support the breast wall. And when this muscle is supported by a bra it breaks down and gets weak, according to some articles.

I always cut out the underwire and toss it. However, when I seen a youtube video discussing the bra vs. cancer topic a few years ago, I quit wearing bras entirely and switched over to sports bras except in the once-a-year instances.

Some women even recommend wearing a camisole or tank top underneath the clothing when heading out. And its all about personal preferences. It may seem far less sexy in appearance to what we as a society are conditioned into believing, but comfort wins out and so does the feeling of freedom. I can see why women are pitching their bras as I continued to further research this topic.

But is this a New Age/ tree-hugging fad? It almost seems to be a throwback to the Bra Burners of the late 60s, 1968 to be exact. Women did it back then because they wanted to be liberated. Nowadays women are doing it for a variety of reasons and others, not. Some prefer them or have no other choice but to wear them. Either way its a personal choice. I’m just writing this as conjecture for now. And like always I’m not an expert. I just like to bring awareness about a variety of topics no matter how controversial they may appear.

I also watched a few more youtube videos related to the bra and why its not such a good thing to wear and discovered one video by a French woman who went around to the stores and showed off various bras to get her point across why bras weren’t such a good idea from her perspective. She said something to the effect of, “If women were meant to wear bras, we would have been born with them.” The closed-captioning helped since I never learned French. This woman even had a few more videos posted in relation to health, beauty tips, I believe. If I ever find her video again I will have to post a link to it.

So there you have it. If there’s anything you’d like to see posted on my blog, please leave me a comment in the comment section. And thank you so much for  re-blogging, sharing, tweeting, commenting, and liking. I always appreciate it. 🙂