
All posts tagged joining

When signing up for the Y is a hardship:

Published June 8, 2015 by AntiqueMystique1

Whenever I find something that might interest me I first and foremost do my extensive research, contemplating and do a lot of procrastinating about it, then finally decide to take that plunge. And…

All doesn’t go smoothly, at first which is my first introduction into the crappier side that is known as life.

And it didn’t help that my morning was rudely interrupted by a survey caller at 11 am on a Sunday. So, arg! I forced myself to go back to sleep since it’ll be one of those rare days I will have during an upcoming hectic week to get caught up on sleep. And when I get sleep-deprived it does strange things to me. I especially get grumpy whenever I can’t get my regular hours of sleep… any who, so my morning didn’t start off as planned. I guess if sleeping in on the weekends can be planned.

I finally decided that I might want to join my local Y. Before I even show up, I have the first step completed. I brought my paperwork stating my income. But that’s not all, there’s more—much more. If you think you can easily walk in and sign up to be a member of a gym, show proof of I.D. and pay the necessary fees upfront, think again.

What am I attempting to do again? Apply for a first-time home buyer’s loan or join the Y so I can get some real swimming in and maybe the occasional treadmill/ lap track walking exercises in the comfort of the great indoors? See, I don’t do the sunbathing and all those times I did go swimming back when every summer, I really disliked the fact there was no shade to relax under.

So much red tape to get through and I’m not even half-finished. In the meantime while everything processes (the old-fashioned snail mail way), I can enjoy two free passes for myself to see what I think of the Y. I’ve got one opinion of it formed in the back of my little mind, “It’s a pain to join.” I can see it already.

I’m leery at best of any results and since I’m really not a morning person (like 5 am is for the early birds) and I don’t drink coffee, either. So what else would there be for a thirty something like me to do? Probably have nothing in common socially if its a senor citizen crowd that shows up early or go try my hand at racket ball to pass the time.

I tried doing what the Y suggested to start the financial assistance process and that was to go to the IRS website and click on their many confusing links to fill out an electronic version of the paper copy I had in my hand. The person I spoke with at the Y said it would be, “…much faster to do it online and you’ll have results in two days, in some cases through email, print it out and return here with it.”

Hardship #1. Nothing in life is THAT simple! And certainly not when dealing with a government website.

Hardship # 2: And guess what? The IRS electronic form filing for that specific tax form I need to show proof of… “Isn’t available at this time. We’re sorry for the inconvenience.”

INCONVENIENCE, my foot! Holy Mackerel… [palm smack on forehead].

Being it’s a Sunday, the post office is closed. In fact, the cut off time to make it to my grocery store’s service desk has long since came and went to buy individual stamps. Then again, what do I know? I don’t keep track of these things since I never have to go to the store on Sunday to buy stamps.

With the ten dollars loaned to me to fill up the gas tank, I in turn did a very stupid thing today—I bought one book of stamps. The checker rang me up for $19.80 and I said, “Whoa, wait a minute– $19 for two stamps? No, I don’t think so. Put ‘em back.”

“Oh, sorry, it’s after a certain time. I can’t sell you any individual stamps. You’ll have to come back tomorrow. And since we didn’t do our stamp count yet—”

Okay, now there is no sign that states when they can’t sell books of stamps even after a. they either do their ‘stamp count’ for the day and/ or b. the service desk is closed after a certain amount of time.

This whole day has already cost me frustration, stress, loss of sleep, driving around in a van with no working AC. It’s extremely hot, muggy and you can’t imagine how irritated this is makes me feel because my trip takes me all over town just to complete this final step. I’m not just a hop, skip, jump away from the nearest store. So, in my stress I politely, yet sternly said: “Fine, ONE book of stamps, please.”

And guess what I find when I do return from mailing that letter to the IRS? My tax returns that *might* be the right ones for me to finish the form to get a membership. Which means, if this is turns out to be true then I could have saved back my ten dollars and the trouble, time and expense.

Who knew joining the Y is full of red tape and when its all said and done, whew! I don’t know if I’ll feel like renewing ALL of this again after a twelve month period. If its this hard to get a foot in the door to get out there and be socially engaged, I may opt for something else. It just means I won’t be able to go swimming because I HATE water parks.

First, I don’t want to pay the outrageous daily fees to get in a little swimming under the blistering fireball that is the sun. Secondly, I absolutely don’t agree with a ‘bare all’ swimsuit regulation the water park has instated. And third,  I also dislike that they restrict the use of appropriate swim trunks over a bathing suit and t-shirts worn in their man made rivers, wave pools, etc. Plus if you need to lock up your personal effects, the water park charges you an additional $7 fee to rent a locker. To swim there daily is $5.50 for an adult. That may not sound like much, but take in the fact that people do and will steal your personal belongings and if you can’t afford a locker fee, you are pretty much asking for getting your identity/ debt/ credit cards stolen while you’re out swimming. Its difficult to keep an eye on stuff and not pleasant to try and enjoy yourself at the same time.

Thanks for reading, liking, and sharing. I may continue to update this blog post when I know more.